About Me

I'm an artist based in South Yorkshire and currently studying on a textiles Masters course for which my main areas of research have been in making figurative sculptures out of natural fibres which I manipulate into forms using felting techniques. Although felt is commonly used in craft, I use it in a non-traditional way to create life size soft sculptures.

The series of soft sculptures that I've produced as part of the MA have potential to fit in to a variety of art based contexts and I’m in negotiations with galleries, museums and high-end boutique hotels that have a strong emphasis on the appreciation of art and nature.

As well as developing my own practice I’m enthusiastic about developing more skills that can be applied to industry and I’m looking for opportunities for work experience in helping with workshops, props and puppetry making.

Email: katie@katiehardyart.co.uk

CLIFTON PARK MUSEUM, Rotherham (13/4/09)
ROTHERHAM LIBRARY, Rotherham (28/9/09)

Monday 6 December 2010

The Frozen Wildwood

Once upon a time the Wildwood of Britain was inhabited by giant tundra wolves, lynxes, wild boars and beavers. Having such a long and involved history there’s no wonder these animals dominate our myths and folklore. These white sculptures resemble mythological creatures, capturing an element of their huge presence in storytelling. Reinvented as soft sculptures, these lost beauties become cultural curiosities, thought provoking, and embodying nostalgic notions of the wildwood which they inhabited for thousands of years.

I wanted to recreate their world in these photographs, taken in the woods that I live next door to. The wild boar and beaver sculpture are still far from finished.

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